Eva and Cece came to Pennsylvania for Christmas again this year.
We had a great time visiting family and friends. We went to Hershey Park with Brad, Chrissy, David, and Zach and then stayed in a hotel (with a pool of course!). The next day we went to a party at Aunt Darlene's church in Dillsburg, where we got to visit and exchange gifts with all of our Lerew relatives.
Then we spent Christmas Eve and Day at Gram and Papa's.
After Christmas, we went to see STOMP! at the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia with the Kennedy's (my super girlfriend Ro and her boys Andrew and Joe). Then we saw Sleeping Beauty at the Arden Theater. Here are some pictures of the characters from the Arden website:
Both shows were really fun. Cece thought STOMP! was a little bit too loud. Eva got to ask Sleeping Beauty a question after the show - she asked how she fell asleep for so long. Sleeping Beauty said it was just like playing freeze tag.
Here's an album with pictures from the whole visit: