After a slightly rainy start, we had a great visit to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium on July 4th. The rain and the holiday kept the crowds down, but the animals were all out and about.
Cece tried out her new hot pink Crocs - they worked well in the puddles!
And for climbing up this huge cargo net. Leading to a bunch of fun slides.
This boat ride led right past a big alligator, which was very exciting for David, but a bit scary for Cece! Thankfully, there was a fence keeping them separated...
Eva and Cece got to pet a couple of very friendly deer.
The kids turned the "love pit" into a playhouse. Here's all the grandkids with Gram & Poppa in the front yard. Also check out the pictures of us wading in the creek and reading stories on Brad's Sileo Family Blog.
David and Zack (cousins in Pittsburgh) have some very different dress-up clothes and games than what the girls are used to. Here's Cece and David having an intense sword fight. Everyone survived...
Later in week, Cece and Zack got cleaned up together in a nice hot bath.
We met some old friends at Ricky Park in Orefield, right across the street from our old house. It had all new playground equipment, and everyone had a really nice time seeing each other again. Dawn Davis was a huge help organizing the event - she brought nice cooler full of drinks, snacks, and desert, and ordered pizza for everyone. THANKS DAWN!
Ro and I put our lives at risk, not the mention the pedestrians, when we let the kids take turns driving the surrey up and down the boardwalk. Of course, we had to supply all the pedal power!
Eva and Andrew spent a lot of time riding the big kids rides together. It was really nice for her to have a friend to ride with. They also rode the train. and the carousel...